Don't know Joey, don't know Neon, don't know Zach, but I was thinking...

What should people on this great forum do to honor Joey and his family?
How about a day of nice things to say about fishin? How about day after tomorrow, that would be January 16th I think.

By nice things to say, I mean no craop on that day, just thinking about this guy, and what if it had been you or me?

Thanks directdrive for letting us know of the loss of a young fisherman.


" My name is Zach and I am the kids friend. His name is Joey! The story is, we were tryin to cross a tail out, when we started to cross it dropped off an water started coming in my waders, I then started to get taken of my feet but I was fortunate, and was able to get to shore, Joey true taking a step back towards the shore, and the current swept him off his feet. I ran down the bank as fast as I could trying to keep an eye on him, but the water was pushing him faster then I could run! He went down 2 sets of rapids. The last spot I saw him was a deep boily hole, I saw my friend get sucked in the boil and never come up! Today has to be one of the worst days of my life, my thoughts and prayers go to his family!"

Edited by Kingflounder (01/15/13 01:03 AM)
Seek the Truth, Consider the Source.