In principle, I like the idea of people having the information they need to make decisions about what they eat. Like others, however, I strongly question the resolve of most people (myself sometimes included), even armed with that information, to factor it into their food purchase decisions. I spend most of my food money on whole foods, but I do enjoy some good, old-fashioned crap now and again, and knowing what's in that crap will only lead to guilt and stress I don't need. (BTW, I submit that the stress we subject ourselves to every day worrying about life $hit does far more to cause cancer and other diseases than the food we eat.)

Moreover, this can only result in increased food prices and more unnecessary, expensive regulation. Gas prices and other factors have already caused food costs to increase dramatically in recent years (ever notice that when the gas prices drop, food prices don't? Hmmmm....) Regardless of the quality (or lack thereof) going into what we eat, I think we can all agree that food is essential. As such, I think we should avoid anything that increases the cost of food unnecessarily, even if it seems like a good idea in principle. I think I'll vote no on this one.

Like several others, I hate corporations like Monsanto, and I am all for giving them hell and costing them money. I figure that just by putting this on the ballot, we have cost them a lot of money. If we really want to mess with them, why not vote this down and put a similar initiative on the next ballot, then another, then another.... I suppose the answer is that they will just turn around and make consumers pay the bill by raising their prices. I think we know by now the government won't step in to prevent it if they do.

We're screwed, either way. I say, let's not trip over a dime trying to pick up a nickel.

Edited by FleaFlickr02 (11/05/13 04:14 PM)