Originally Posted By: Misguided
This what I needed (text and video) so I can use my headphones and closed caption to understand what the hell was being said, I did go to remind my self why I won't be going again. Can you imagine trying to listen to speakers & only hear Charlie Browns teacher? That's what I hear 90% of the time...
I hope you guys that gave me [Bleeeeep!] for not want to go can suck sour grapes, cause you all have no idea what is going on...

Thanks so much to all who were kind enough to help others with updates (Doc) and video (Andy), you made my day!!!

On, and that skinny gillnetter I sat next to had the worst breath, I had to move
At least we got another butt in a seat!Thanks for attending! Numbers DO count! As far as sour grapes go it sounds like you already have a barrel full.I like mine gently fermented. You allude to "You all have no idea of what's going on" but you still managed to attend. I would suggest a good listening of "what's going on?" by Marvin Gaye, it may give you some insights. I am glad you were able to get recordings.Thanks to all that attended, I really think none of this would have been possible without endless hours of meetings attended by a few and the final push attended by many. Bob R