Yes -- ReelTruth raises some excellent points, especially the need to influence Big Industry in all its forms, and the benefits of working with NSIA. Industries virtually "own" our politicians, so they continue to trash our waters to the extent that they can get away with it! That will continue as long as we sit around as individuals with no clout. (Or the tribes will have to use their clout, in the courts,under their treaty rights.)
I'd only differ with ReelTruth in the makeup of WAA. In my opinion, warmwater anglers should be included too. We have more in common than we have differences, and I see no major problem in cooperating. It's in all our interests to have a variety of sport fisheries in the state. Or would you prefer to have all anglers fishing your already crowded river for your already scarce fish? We should "celebrate the differences."
There have been some isolated cases of cooperation between the larger WA cold and warmwater fishing organizations, which worked well for both sides, but it should be an ongoing process. Call it "politics" if you like, but that's what makes this world turn.