Can someone help me verify the events that transpired after the Hawk-49 game? Here is how I piece it together.

SF last offensive play, Sherman tips the ball and is intercepted by the Hawks.
Sherman goes over to Crabtree and pats him on the butt and tries to shake hands.
Crabtree pushes his face mask, setting Sherman off.
Sherman gives the choke signal and gets a penalty.
After the game, Sherman gives 2 interviews; one to Fox and and another to ESPN.
Next day, Sherman and texts an apology, along with a press release from Carroll.

While I would have preferred an "act like you been there before and will go there again" situation by Sherman during the interviews, I can see where if, after trying to make a sincere congratulations to Crabtree after the game and the guy pushes your face mask, I could see getting worked up in the interview, especially after Crabtree had said some things to Sherman prior to the game.

Just trying to put this in perspective and move on to the SB. What am I missing?