Originally Posted By: Tom Joad
Regardless of the issue having a divided sportsman camp is bad in the long term . If you look at hunting as an example the archery guys would not accept the cross bow hunters and lost opportunity consistently across he US to the rifle hunters. The division between the fly, gear and wild fish camps only benefits the tribes and commercials in the long term. The public in General will side with the wild fish just based on emotional appeal. We need to find a way to live in one big tent to effectively hold our ground against the other side.

I agree with that, and I think that all sportfishermen should agree that if we are going to have hatchery programs that they should be in full compliance with the ESA.

Besides being the legal and ethical thing to do, it also would insulate the hatchery programs from challenges by those who would seek to eradicate them...and if they are in compliance with the ESA then there would be no real reason to even want to get rid of them.

Asking WDFW, NOAA-F, the tribes, or the WFC to just ignore the fact that there are no permits for the operation of the programs right now is just asking for anyone to challenge them.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle