Are you fookin' kidding me BU? You do understand what the "flat earth society" means right? You did pass the third grade right? It was so long ago for you, I'll give you a short refresher: It means old world Europe believed the Earth was flat until it was proven otherwise.

Science is changing all the time with new data and information. IT IS never settled. As point proven, look back to the 70's when we were all gonna die in the next ice age.

Yer' talkin' to one of the most scienty scientists on this board. I live science & engineering and conduct statistical design for experiments every. single. day.

Don't be so obtuse ya' old goat or this whipper snapper will hand you your ignorant ass on an ascot. Thanks for playin' player. moose
“If the military were fighting for our freedom, they would be storming Capitol Hill”. – FleaFlickr02