
Memory is very good.......there are a few of us that have the luxury of fishing every day. I've been retired since 1997 and others about same time......my wife died 3+ years ago......I like to fish, past 3 years I've fished every morning.....open of river season to around September 16, when I stop summer run and start chasing salmon.

The "group" has concerns, not only the Wynoochee but also Humptulips...just not many summer runs showing on these systems.

I don't not keep a journal but another part of the group does.....we just have a hard time believing that more fish, middle of June, aren't showing in lower part of the river.......

In 30+ plus years, of Wynoochee river fishing, I've never gone close to this long with out fish.....and then to fish around others with the same result....I'm not liking it.

Hope I'm wrong......maybe they are just late?????? I'll still fish, every morning....I'll know if the run is coming!!!!!!!
"Worse day sport fishing, still better than the best day working"

"I thought growing older, would take longer"