Boy, you guys are wonderful! GREAT info! I found out my friend's boat is a NEW BAY Moocher model! That's why it has such an open deck I guess!

I have some other it okay or NORMAL to want to field test a boat??? On the water??? Is this usually done, or is it a trust thing??? Do most people let you trailer a boat to get a compression test??? I know when I bought my Mercury, the motor guy had a garbage can with water that he let me check it with! (I used that method to clean MY motor every night when I'd come in from fishing, to flush the motor!!!

My MAIN method for fishing Chinook is to JIG...although at THIS time of year I would probably troll to cover more ground! I haven't learned how to Motor Mooch yet but would want to try! For Coho season, I trolled with a Deep Six, cause I don't have a Downrigger yet! SO...MOST of my fishing time is STANDING UP IN THE BOAT! I like the hands on part of that!

Looking forward to any other advice from my newly adopted "Big Brothers"!

Thanks so much...again to you all! You're the greatest!!!


"Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds!" Albert Einstein
"The best way to find yoruself, is to lose yourself in the service of others."
Mahatma Gandhi