No, not chicken little here. 594 makes the instructors go through some very specific hoops. How an instructor with no LEO background gets considered to be LEO on the basis of this letter is a bit beyond me.

In a classroom setting (not at an authorized range) the instructor can hand a minor a firearm, but not an adult?

How about simulating a fence crossing, one person holds both firearms, the first person crosses, then the second hands them the firearms, as has been taught in every hunter ed class I've attended (4 entire classes total I've attended taking my boys and relatives through for their cards)? Students cant hand to students because they are not hunting, they aren't at a range, they are not licensed to hunt (they're in hunter ed), and so on.

Pure stupidity.

This essentially puts two State law enforcement agencies at odds. WSP says the act of handing a firearm to another doesn't violate 594. WDFW says it does. Not groovy.

Edited by Dogfish (12/03/14 04:28 PM)
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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