Politics in this country have been ruined by the media and their sensationalism. What makes blackmouth a dumb dumb is that he doesn't get that.

This really is not a political party issue it is a mass media issue. There is no unbiased anything anymore and thus the facts are whatever you make them.

And to your Nietzsche quote, that is truer than ever now, but it doesn't negate that there are facts and a reality. Funny thing is, back during the eight years of GWB, lots of bleeding hart liberals were quoting Nietzsche, I guess it's just a cycle.

I'll vote for whoever I like. No party affiliation here BTW. I often get criticized for being a libtard when I defend Obama, and was called stuff like that defending conservatives in the past. It is sad that people see all in red and blue. Thanks media for tellng everyone what to think and giving everyone what they want to hear.

Pick you channel, pick you color of brainwashing.
Maybe he's born with it.

Maybe it's amphetamines.