i thought this page was to share hot tips to fishing and the best info the net could provide,i get on here and see a bunch of cry bags not getting there fair cut, i bet the skipper on the charter boat out of westport was a saint also, what a black for the ocean fisherman, as always one bad apple.....
if you watched the news this morning you would see how good things are be watched, they shut down the sockeye net fishery due to low numbers, but the sport fishery is still a go, thats fair right???? i think so and no one had to march down to the capital to get it done, you people blow everything out of whack and make a stink bigger than it really is, give it a rest, melow out, go fishing, its not that bad, really, cant we all just get along!!!!!things will work out all we have to do is work together, not start a fight before have heard both sides and thing we are both right, anyway!!!!!!!!