Well, since the Steelhead fishing is going in the tank in this state, I've decided to pursue the next best thing of the 4 legged type. My son and I have made the decision to do it by bow. We've been practicing for months now and I am chomping at the bit to stick something. My brother has a 3 point Mule in his pasture every morning and I plan on inviting him over for dinner come Tuesday morning. He also has a herd of Elk that cross his place daily and on the 12th, I'm hoping to get a shot at one of them too! My point of this whole thing is, I never dreamed I would hunt and now I'm like a kid the night before Christmas. I can't believe the amount of money I've spent in the last 6 months getting completely set up for this along with getting my son through the Hunter Training course and since I've never hunted, I took the course with him even though I didn't have to. I can't wait.