Originally Posted By: Dogfish
An easement can be perpetual, or it can be for a fixed period of time, with renewals, like a lease.

The state then would be required to manage the easement for the duration of the term of the easement.

WDFW has chosen NOT to do this. There were places on the Humptulips, the Wynoochee and the Satsop, that active partition on part of the Agency...public would have many access points, "on 99 year leases".

Hope WDFW can get it done????? I just don't see much wiggle room in the State budget for anything, UNTIL the School funding Court mandated, is fully taken care of. Kids should come 1st, they are the leaders of tomorrow.
"Worse day sport fishing, still better than the best day working"

"I thought growing older, would take longer"