If we get an online catch reporting system, it will need to have information (catch codes, etc.) for each marine area/river in its database. Lots of other, useful information like, say, current regulations for each marine area/river, could also easily be maintained there without breaking the bank. Heck, they could even incorporate hunting regs and reporting.

Picture an app that starts off with a question like, "What fishing/hunting activity are you doing today?" The answer you provide prompts the next question, which in the event you chose fishing would be "Where are you fishing today?" The user looks up his/her fishing destination, probably using a search interface, then selects it. The page that follows lists whether or not the water you selected is open, the current season parameters, what it's open for, what the limits are, and any special rules/gear restrictions. Instead of fumbling through the entire haystack, you use a few quick clicks to go straight to the needle.

The same fuddy duddies that don't want to use an electronic catch reporting system won't like it (unless they try it), but wouldn't the vast majority of today's angling population get on board with something like this?