Russia seems to be the only voice of truth and justice in the world now days, They inform the American people about our currupt government practices. they even tipped off Turkey to the NATO/US led coup attempt.

I think Russia will end up liberating Europe from the mess it's in now.

Seems Russia knows somthing is coming, and are trying to prevent it. Believe it or not a massive mechanized military buildup is happening in Alaska. I have a friend who is a tanker in he army reserve who told me they are training for an invasion into Siberia, there has been a massive uptick in cold weather training for both army and Marines.

No better way to cover up economic and social collapse than to start a huge war with Russia. Russia has been poked sternly, we have been trying to pick a fight with them via our proxy but it has not worked, they just keep exposing the truth.

Who knows but somthing is definitely brewing, and I trust Putin 1000 times more than Obama or Hillary.