Ah, lets try this. When the process was set up for PDR's by the legislature agencies were given funding to put in place the process needed to comply with the law. Some took it seriously ( such as DSHS ) but others just put up a fancy bit that in reality had little hope of really doing what was required. That is where WDF&W went and in the name of full disclosure I am the one who took their butts to court a bit back. It is simple enough to set up a coding system that passes muster but one has to buy into transparency which several agencies just absolutely have done everything but that. The Governors office being the most egregious in my mind in particular around tribal issues.

Bottom line is quit lying to people and hiding documents and no problem but that is the problem you see because agencies ( WDF&W fits here ) more or less think they are the law.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in