The last six weeks has been full of football, yard work, shooting a deer, killing a pile of salmon, crabs, and harvesting buckets of various types of wild mushrooms.

Our garden is finally winding down from feeding us two meals a day every day (to go along with all the stuff I kill or gather)...what's not to love about the fall?

Didn't make it to BC this year, but that's not BC's fault, or fall's...can't do it all every year.

The lame coho season was...lame. The few openers they managed for us gave up plenty of fish, though, and while it's usually two entire freezers full to get me thru the year, it's more like one...good thing this year's deer is quite a bit bigger than last year's wink

I really don't have a "favorite" season, since my passion for the outdoors is served year round by something or other, all the time, but if the widespread availability of non-store bought food is a significant measure, then fall wins it all.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle