What I don't understand is why the clients did not get charged. The way I see it is those fish went home with someone. I don't care what kind of letter they wrote after the deed was done. Those guys should know the rules too. They work in the industry, and are fisherman. I just think itzs kind of fishy the way all this went down. How anyone could have their picture taken with fish with their adipose fin cut off then post it it...wtf ..everyone in the boat had to know when they saw those fish somethin messed up was going on. If I remember right one of those guys said they saw Swanny wacking the fins off. Heck I don't know what to believe but, you would think if they were innocent they would have reported it right away......not after it gets seen on facebook, and everyone is safe at home with the evidence tucked away, and have time to write a big statement to the public. THat was just running for cover imo. The second someone saw the fish with the fins cut off would have been the time to run. Tough spot to be in forsure..

It will be interes5ing to see how it plays out for Swanny. I don't think they should hang him like some. It was a stupid thing to do, and he admitted it. The feds might make a example out of him. I bet its cost him plenty already. I think it will be a while before he recovers from it.

There were 2 Bainbridge cops that got caught with a threatened king at kingston this summer. The boat owner was not charged but he knew the rules. His buddy killed the fish, and he was just let go with a slap on the hand. BUT...after a internal affairs investigation he ended up resigning so I would say it cost him dearly.