Brood stock has proved to work, without help our runs are failing and will continue to fail........
And if you don't think netting is the main culprit of our demise, just look to the south, Umpqua 30-50k native escapement yearly, a watershed, where logging runs rampant, farmed all along it's banks, and habitat problems like most of our waters, fished to death..... But no nets. The Queets far less habitat problems, but can't even make minimal escapement most years...... But it is netted to death.

We know what the problem is, yet we continue to point fingers every where else. Without major intervention, they will perish as they are doing now......

The second problem in the sound is, with both Salmon and steelhead, is we net most of the bait fish. The sound is our nursery, and we send the out to find little to no food in the nursery, years ago all summer long it was a Bait fish Mecca, now you have to search for bait. They don't survive because the fridge is empty....

Edited by MetalheadMatt (02/24/17 09:38 PM)