Originally Posted By: Dogfish
So I looked through the bill summary, and this bill never passed through the Ag & Natural Resources committee, which Blake chairs.

Because it was a Tribal governance bill it was routed to the House committee on community development, housing and tribal affairs. Blake is not a member of that committee. I also looked at the roll call for the vote on the bill in the house. Guess who shows up as the first nay? Blake. Doubt me, click on the link, go to March 7 activity in the house, then click on " View roll call".


I have a little experience in this stuff because I will testify on 2-6 bills every year. He never touched it. Brian's defacto schill also told me that he would have killed it had it passed through Ag & NR.

While I'll admit Brian is an asshole at times, he's not that big of an asshole. (Okay, that's somewhat debatable)

Speaking of assholes, how about how CCA killed the Walsh amendment to up hatchery production in Grays Harbor, Pacific and Wahkiakum counties? You know, that organization that brought us the discover pass.

Pick the right enemy. You are off base on this one.

With all due respect, Dogfish, Blake plays you like a fiddle.

Hear this, folks: If Brian Blake doesn't like CCA, you should DEFINITELY support them.... heavily.