The problem that will arise with a blanket open season and blanket catch limit is the IPHC annual need to set quotas. There is X available for harvest.

The proposal puts no limits on the number of licenses/cards sold. To implement will require daily maonitoring coastwide over the season to track catch. Even if recs succeed in getting a fixed season it will the require that commercials be managed day to day and their fishery closed to accommodate rec catch. Not posing this as a reason not to do this, just bring up the elephant in the manager's room.

While this is a good place to start, the IPHC apparently only controls the hook and line fisheries that take halibut. There are trawl fisheries that cumulatively kill more than all the hook and line. Without consequence. And all the Hook and liners are then managed to account for this. Plus, the 'but killed in the nets is tossed back. Dead.