Larry is correct in noting that pre-season quality assessments are critical. But the way the Rec/Tribe allocations are taken is not flawed/broken, if/when based on proper assessments. Recs should not pine to overlap with the Tribes starting sometime in May or June just for the sake of starting at the same time. Generally speaking, the Tribes have bigger boats, more traps, and financial incentive to actively crab all day long until they get their quota--really not great to try and compete with that out on the water, on the same day. Better to get the Tribes in and out (for 50% or less of their annual allocated share) over a two or three day period a month or two before the Rec season starts. If crab abundance is too low, the Tribes take a hit on the back half of their allocation, which is fair considering they went first. I suspect that, as a result of what's happening this year, the MA-10 assessment will be more conservative next year, and that the Tribe's initial take will be adjusted accordingly. If Tribes truly do try to cork the Rec share (and we've seen that in S. Puget Sound) then WDFW will have to let everyone start at the same time. That's a card that could be played, but not a great outcome.