Warning for those planning to use the Everett Boat Ramp:

Rooster tails of black sand from a few boat motors coming and going from boat ramp basin into channel at low slack Friday morning. Lower minus tides this Sat. and Sun. at around -3.0 feet.

I got through Wed Morning with semi-tilted motor when the tide was at -0.4, but the depth finder showed around 1’ of water in some spots--- a little more or less in others. eek2

Fishing report, WDFW LE stopped by, when we were fishing, and said that it was pretty slow from the boats they targeted on Wednesday. No fish checkers at the ramp Wed. when we got back.
The world will not be destroyed by those that are evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.- Albert Einstein

No you can’t have my rights---I’m still using them