NOAA Fisheries Announces Inseason Actions in the
2017 Commercial Salmon Fishery

NOAA Fisheries has taken the following inseason action that affects the commercial and recreational salmon fisheries north of Cape Falcon:

Effective August 10th there is a quota transfer of 2,600 coho from the north of Falcon commercial fishery to the recreational fishery in the Westport subarea. The adjusted coho quota for the Westport subarea is 18,140. The adjusted coho quota in the north of Falcon commercial fishery is 3,000.

All other restrictions and regulations remain in effect as announced for 2017 ocean salmon fisheries and as modified by inseason actions announced on the NOAA Fisheries hotlines.

Complete regulations are posted on the NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region Website.
For more information, please call: 206-526-4323.

These inseason actions are announced on the salmon hotline and via USCG broadcast.
Ocean Salmon Hotline: