Yup. Kings aren't there, and charters want to send as many people home with limits as possible. Much like the enhanced Chinook bag, this is likely to end up looking like lip service, after the coho prove to be in similarly sad shape.

This is how bad years always seem to go. Rather than acknowledge the reality that poor catch rates are in indicator of poor returns, WDFW sees an opportunity to entice more anglers to waste time and money chasing a higher limit of fish that don't exist. It's as if their work performance is measured on their ability to make the forecast number of fish end up dead.

If enhanced ocean fisheries don't meet quotas, the next move will be to add a few non-tribal commercial days to the schedule, guessing that maybe, just maybe, those net days will complete the planned catch. After the majority f the commercial season is over, and the fish still aren't showing, they'll declare overfishing and close the rivers.

Hope I'm wrong, BTW.