Very tough to get a real good photo of a big coho or chum. Regardless of their true size, most photos just don't show how big a coho or chum is or isn't. They just don't hold their girth down their tail like steelhead or kings do. Instead, they are thick across the back and you can't really photo that.

For those that are my FB friends, I put up a truly MONSTER chum photo my boy caught. It was MASSIVE and easily over 20 pounds. Not that impressive on the photo, though.
Fotobucket must have caved in.

22lb coho.

Easily a 22lb chum. I can't recall seeing a larger chum...and I've seen some pretty big damn chum. The photo really doesn't do this Chumzilla any justice!

If I had had an extra $3k laying around, I would have a replica made. This thing would be totally AWESOME up on a wall!

Tule King Paker