Originally Posted By: Carcassman
Not sure the public wants to actually participate in the negotiations; that is government to government. They want to hear what is going on. They want to know WHY sharing is not 50:50. What has been traded and why. Why do the tribes get to kill X of a listed stock but the recs can't kill X of that same stock. Close the Stilly to save 1 (one) wild fish?

I also believe that State Law requires that the meetings be open to the public. The Tribes are within their right to say no but that doesn't change state law. It does create a problem but WDFW has shown a consistent inability to comply with the laws about rule making. Their track record is not all that good.

True that!

Plus a couple of additional thoughts:

1. In recent past years WDFW has engaged stakeholders and established what I will categorize as reasonable and explicit goals to be achieved for the State at NOF. They have come out of those closed negotiations having had their ass handed to them on many of those specific goals with no good explanation(s). That is what drove the 2016 impasse. And that is why stakeholders are insisting that the public be able to at least be privy to the actual give and take. Keeping in mind that we have had individual tribes put the last moment kibosh (Muckleshaft) on what was thought to have been a done deal (NOF agreeement) it is that unilateral abuse of power which further cries for public visibility (and accountability).

2. I also believe it is the Nisqually tribe which has in its own bylaws language espousing open (tribal) government. Guess its one thing for their members but not so important for the rest of us.

3. After having commented at last month's Commission meeting (Friday A.M.) to the effect that the Director's actions (not informing the Commission) had undercut the Commission's authority and marginalized us Stakeholders I have come to the conclusion that my comments were not pointed enough. The Commission needs to have an Executive Session with the Director and lay down the law; to wit: Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me. And if you do shame us again you are GONE! And that the Director SHALL apply that same standard to Staff. If the Commission does not take back control of the ship now they will have effectively abrogated their responsibilities.

Oh, and a final thought. Commissioner Wecker was the primary driver in achieving many of the conservation oriented changes yet she was never confirmed by the Senate. Politics.

Edited by Larry B (12/29/17 02:48 PM)
Remember to immediately record your catch or you may become the catch!

It's the person who has done nothing who is sure nothing can be done. (Ewing)