Originally Posted By: spokey9
If the supreme Court agrees to hear this case, I'd hope the the state'll hold firm and let court decide over coming to an agreement with tribes. This might be our chance get back some our rights in the process. While it's not 100% that the court would side with the state, it's a good court to go in front of. I also think it'd only take one major loss at the supreme Court level to get the tribes second guessing their litigation happy habits.

Here is the link the oral hearing transcript before the court (occurred on Wednesday): https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral_arguments/argument_transcripts/2017/17-269_o75q.pdf

Seems like the state got spanked and the tribes are going to notch another win. Plus at the end the court said this:

JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: Then my words are
-- are wrong. They caught X amount. If the
proof is that Y amount would have happened
absent the obstruction, they're entitled to
50 percent of Y amount. I don't care what
caused the decimation.

Seems like the court picked up on that the tribes should be getting more fish due to habitat degradation.

Here's a blog post that summarizes the hearing if you don't want to read the transcript: http://www.scotusblog.com/2018/04/argume...fishing-rights/

Final decision is in June.