Originally Posted By: Todd
This is the face of terrorism in the USA. It's not a brown or black person, it's these right wing neo-Nazis, homegrown assholes emboldened by having one in the White House.

In this case it was in fact a brown person, his mother is a Hispanic Latina (brown) and his father is Greek (brown). Look at the guy's face, he has black hair, brown eyes and olive skin. White people have fair hair, fair eyes and fair skin. Let me give you some example of white American names: Jack Williams, George Smith, Jim Ellsworth--at no time ever, has a white American been named, Dimitrios Pagourtzis.

How do you figure is a NAZI? He had a "bisexual pride" heart pin, an Isreali flag pin on one collar and a hammer and sickle pin on the other--last time I checked NAZIs killed homos, Jews and commies. Looks like was a communist gay rights activist who was bullied by his teachers. Homosexuals, pinkos and immigrants should be persecuted as much as they claim to be.

As for school shootings, I think there should be one every single day until they take the liberals, pedophiles and cultural marxists out of the schools. My only criticism is that I wish these shooters would be a little more selective in targeting the administrators, teachers, politicians and social activists instead of fellow students.