Gotta send this out because we spent a whole bunch of time talking about it this last week. Late whitetail season is open here in Idaho and as normal we have a huge amount of hunters from Washington state. A few questions for you guys that hunt.

1> Is road hunting allowed in washington??

These guys show up and set up huge camps. Pile into their pickups and proceed to drive non-stop from dawn till dusk at 5 mph gawking out the windows looking for a buck... pretty stupid.

2> Whats up with the licence plate thing???

Is there a handbook they give out to hunters in washington state that says when going out of state to go road hunting, you should remove the the front plate off your rig ??? Its pretty funny to see all these trucks driving around with guys gawking out the windows and no plate on the front and a washington plate on the back.

This was the best. My family owns a large section of land in central Idaho. It is somewhat remote and has 1 road into it. Its gated and posted and is also known to have a good number of whitetails on it. We were going into the place one morning and there at the gate were three trucks full of guys from you know where.. I got out and asked them what they wanted and they told me that they were waiting for light so they could go hunting. I told them that it would be a real good idea if they found out who owned the land and try and get permission... Its gets really good now... The guy who seemed to be doing all the talking says he got permission from "ME" he says my name and says he has hunted here for years. I could not help it... had to describe myself... Was he a great big *******?? really good looking sorta fella that you asked.. Yep, thats him was the reply. I could have died laughing..

This is in no way a slam on hunters from washington. I know a bunch of them that come over here and hunt elk. All good guys and pretty good hunters to boot. Just seems like there must have been a article in the fishing and hunting news over there that had the headline "gut piles on every corner in Grangeville, gas em up and go!!!!"
Clearwater/Salmon Super Freak