...and that's where it comes back to what are the objectives. Self-perpetuating, sustainable runs or lots of fish for everyone to harvest. With our current habitat we don't get both. Designated hatchery streams and wild streams, on the surface, seems like a reasonable compromise to provide harvest while retaining a few museum pieces of wild fish runs. I'm doubtful the ultimate solution is possible of repairing habitat and policies to the point that we have sustainable wild runs providing high sustainable harvest levels.

Of course there's the issues of ocean conditions and feed to grow extra hatchery fish,
Intercept of said increased hatchery fish by foreign and national commercial fisheries, and mixed-stock ocean/sound sport fisheries that make even a compromise solution doubtful.

Which leaves us with the status quo: Get mine while the getting is good and race to the bottom ...
. . . and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and have dominion over the fish of the sea . . .