I was also pretty disappointed on how rudely the tribal fishermen were. There was a definite air of superiority and entitlement. Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I though the Chushman Power station ramp was a "public" ramp. Is it not? I have a small boat, and as I was headed into the ramp, I had a big tribal boat scream right past me, very close that nearly swamped me, then, as I was on the ramp, my buddy holding the boat as I went up to back the trailer, two more tribal boats came in and "pushed" my buddy off the ramp onto the side rocks. The tribal trucks then pushed past me and my trailer and backed down the ramp to pull their boats. It was as if I had no business being there, on their ramp...

It all left me with a pretty bad impression...
"Forgiveness is between them and God. My job is to arrange the meeting."

1Sgt U.S. Army (Ret)