I Need Your Help!!! $$ REWARD $$ For any information, leading to the hook-up, and release, of any steelhead, or springer in the next 3 days. The suspect or suspects were last seen on the olympic peninsula, wearing broad shoulders, chrome clothing,And should be considered wild, and breathtaking. Suspect #2 was last seen, at the mouth of the Sol Duc River, trying to blend in with the surroundings, waiting for THE SIGNAL To begin his last run to the crime scene. The victim in this case, Fishnfool, needs closure before the closures. This brave (fanatic) fisherman has been recovering from a surgery on his back and just got approval from the authorities (Doctor), to bank fish on the O.P. for the next 72 hours. Lets bring these Hogs to justice, (Bank), This victim has endured enough Bill Dance,Roland Martin (SUNNN), Hank Parker (DUHHH),A Guy can only spank the loomy to recorded Shelly, and Courtney programs, so many times. Im down to the last bit of reel grease anyway. Its going to take one of you HONEST Fisherman to give it up. All info can be given on a zipper lip basis, Call 1-800-Im Pathetic.(A Polygrapgh Proved That Allegation)** **Seriously** ** Im heading to the coast Pocket full of percocet as my fishing buddy, I am really recovering from surgery and need to get any info, as to conditions, reports,where to,etc,etc I leave at about 2:pm today. THANKS!