Well, I'm no longer in the middle of tidewater on the Kasilof at 9 PM chasin' kings, nor am I huddled up under an eave plugging into a phone jack just to check emails ...

That means I should be around the computer and I'll be hosting Monday night chat tomorrow from 8 to 10 PM.

Stop in and say "Hi". I've had requests to have a theme for each chat, and I can't say I'll do that every week, I think it would be nice to do so once in a while.

A topic for Monday night ... how 'bout a (unfortunately) fitting one: low-water salmon tactics. It's not something I wish to use with any regularity, but perhaps we can all help one another out with some ways to get those finicky fish to grab your offering, whatever it might be!

See ya at 8!!
Seen ... on a drive to Stam's house:

"You CANNOT fix stupid!"