Some things to think about before purchasing tags this year and something everyone needs to be aware of before blasting a cougar. I am sure there will be some frustrated hunters when they let a cat pass then realize that they could have killed it. I am also sure that there will be some guys that get busted because they don't know the new rules.

The new WA cougar regs will read:

One cougar (down from 2)

Sept 1st - 25 Archery only

Sept 26th - Oct 16th Muzzle loader only

Oct 17th - March 31st General Season for certain zones.

Oct 17th - Dec 31st General Season and Jan 1st - March 31st permit season for certain zones.

Oct 31st - Nov 30th and Dec 1 - 31st permit season for certain zones.
"Just Say No To Sovereign Nations!"