Junk science?
Does anyone know what the formula WDFW uses to deduct from the catch quota?
This seems to be the new weapon of the tribes to get us off the water and WDFW seems to be cooperating 100% with the tribes.
Season cut short due to encounters, Season delayed due to encounters, etc.
First off when I troll I rarely kill shakers! I check my gear every 15 min. but usually I can see a shaker by watching my rod, also when I do release a salmon it 9 times out of 10 swims off. I also keep a recovery tank (Bucket of fresh salt water) on board if I do have a unresponsive shaker and it works very well.
It seems to me if we can get the ratio of encounters changed to a more accurate number we would take this weapon away......
Does anyone have any suggestions on how we get this number down and get this in the negotiations at NOF?
Also the test boats WDFW uses to help gather data, should these boats have cameras like most police officers now days?
It seems these test boats gather a lot of data and we should have that information. Do these test boats have a recovery tank? are they using small lures, etc.
Thoughts, ideas?