I have seen all the available footage.

This is the reality of the situation; at no time were any threats made by the suspects in the truck and at no time was a firearm brandished.

Video evidence proves that the police shot at the truck spuratically as it was driving down the road, ( no legal justification for this). Video evidence proves that police from the road block position fired at the truck as it approached and right after it crashed (the shots on the trucks approach are not justified as the roadblock was unlawful). As soon as Finicum stepped out of the truck as he was raising his arms the first shot was fired which struck the passenger side window and punched a hole on the edge of the roof, then Finicum moved away from the truck where they possibly tased him and filled him full of lead.

Finicum was shot at even before he had the chance to reach for anything, his hands were half way up when the first shot went off.

None of this was justified and all illegal acts, the patriots had every legal right to shoot back in this case but they didnt.