Bush recently signed the latest Defense Bill and one of the issues it included was:

_Exempts the military to provisions of the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act. The Pentagon claimed environmental laws restrict training exercises; environmentalists said the laws have had little effect on training and that the exemptions go too far.
I've been on both ends of that argument so, personally, I'll watch where this goes. I have experienced times when the laws restricted training, but I've also seen units that showed a horrendous disregard for the environment.

However, I'd rather see the pendelum stay a little to the environmentalist's side versus swinging the other way. I worry that relaxed regulations will allow the Navy to pollute fishing grounds or harm fish with their sonar, or the Army's tracked vehicles fording through redds or dumping hazardous materials that eventually end up in the river.

On a brighter note it also included a 4%+ payraise and concurrent retirement and disability pay. beer
Tent makers for Christie, 2016.