Hey baby--what's your sign?

Astrology is something that has interested me for years.

Before flaming me for being a Christian who has interests in 'worldy' things outside of church--I certainly don't lead my life by Astrolgical readings.

Astrology, like countless other things is something that intrigues me. Not the vague daily horoscopes in the paper--but more in depth profiles of astrological signs like Linda Goodman's 'Sun Signs'. In the interest of full disclosure, I know I'm not supposed to play games of chance either --but I also enjoy playing Black Jack and buying the occasional lottery ticket. I've said I'm a Christian-I never said I was a perfect Christian.

It's a well know fact that the moon effects the tides--and the human body is made up by an overwelming percentage of water. Blah, blah blah...I won't bore you with more conjecture about astrologies validity.

I myself am a Gemini , and although it's hard to be objective about yourself--I find that I have several of the characteristics that many books contribute to Gemini's.

I usually study the traits of a given sign of family and friends that interest me. It can be uncanny how dead-on their personalities match up to their signs traits-and how they interact with other signs.

Again, I don't live my life by it--I just think it's kind of fun.

I would be interested in seeing what some of the other signs are of PP members who post here are.

I'll start it off with a stab-in- the-dark guess about a few of the more prolific posters in the "is there life beyond fishing?" section.

All just guesses, but:

AuntyM= Aries or Virgo?

stlhdH20= Scorpio or Sagittarius?

Theking= Leo?

goharley= Capricorn?

DanS= Libra or Gemini?

Somethingsmellsfishy= Cancer or Scorpio?

Grandpa= Aquarius or Capricorn?


Like I said, this is all for fun--I'd be interested in seeing what some postings of PP members signs.
"Yes, I would support raising taxes"--Kanektok Kid