Well… the early season was a good time for my buddy and me! We went out every weekend! We also had the joy on two of those weekends to share the Hunt with our 14 and 15 year old son’s for the first time! They and we had a great time!!!

First, my buddy had scouted a new area and it proved to be very game rich! We had a Dad’s only long weekend for 5 days and pursued a good number of deer…! Then we also realized that we had bought elk tags for the wrong side of the mountains… oh well next year!

So, on the last day of the 5 day hunt the good lord put a doe in front of me at 10 yards, so I punched the tag! I know some will be disapproving but it will feed my family and it is a trophy to me.

So, my buddy and his son had wanted me to come along and said just go grouse hunting or maybe go hunt for one of the numerous bear we had been seeing, so I said what the heck!

Well it had been a while since I had brought out the long gun, but I didn’t have jewels to try it with the bow so… I left it at home. After helping my partners son toward several bucks that were starting to herd some does I went up high to several berry patches that I had watched but nothing.

The next day I hiked up about a mile and a quarter to a new berry patch and there was my bear! I stalked to get a bit closer and get behind a tree and stabilize myself kneeling. I got to where I felt I didn’t want to get any closer. The Bear heard me kneel and I thought OH [Bleeeeep!]! But it went back to eating the berries. It was quartering away so I put the cross hairs just behind the front leg and let the 30-06 do it’s job!

So, the freezer is starting to get full! The wife want’s to know what will happen if I get a Elk in the late season… and I told her we would have to get another freezer! She asked if I was going to try and get a cougar and I said I didn’t think so. But 2 out of 4 tags so far is a good early season!

Shoot Straight!

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"Many go fishing all their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after." - Thoreau

South King County - PSA
Save Our Fish - PSA
CCA Sea-Tac