So what to do? Hunted eastern Washington for deer and elk this year, but my family has the sole permission to hunt this one piece of property, and escorted guests.

Took my youngest out hunting this weekend, and he did great. Hiked about 6 miles total on the property, he was safe with his rifle, and all in all, we had a great time.

We headed towards the sound of some ravens, figuring there was a gut pile out there somewhere. Sure enough we find a boned out elk carcass. The folks did a fairly good job of boning it out, no waste, but this was on private property. This property is also landlocked by other private properties, a number of which are staunch non-hunting families. Elk was dead center of one of the two parcels, 200 acres big.

This is a property where I've done lots of volunteer labor to cement the relationship and the access year after year. Funny thing is a few locals even tried to destroy the relationship built up over the past few years with a few lies, but we were able to disprove those. Lovely.

Check the trail cameras, yup, 10 folks on the property, none of whom had permission to be there after reviewing the photos with the people who own the property. Funny thing is I think I recognize three of them, but I'll keep those photos out of this.

Anyway, photos will head to WDFW to see if they want to pursue them for a trespassing charge, or a charge for no hunter orange.

I have a few other cameras out there that got great face shots, but those are going to WDFW directly, as I don't want to give the camera location away.

This guy showed up as well.

He'll be #1 on the hit list for next year.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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