Very significant news releases were made recently about both the Columbia R. sockeye season and, more importantly, filed lawsuits by the WDFW & ODFW against the "Unfair Pair" of NMFS and Tribal Commissions! You should read them under the "Columbia Update" post by Nanook on the Ifish BB. [This is not a plug for Ifish; there's been plenty of pub recently anyway by some of this BB's members]. To read these and read reply commentary, or post your opinions, access & mark and the RT BB (Discussion Board). I believe that good things are on the horizon for N.W. sportfishers if Judge Marsh has more sense than Judge Boldt (and wouldn't almost any judge???)! And if the WDFW comes thru with the mandatory fin-clipping of all hatchery fish. Check this out. - Steve Hanson - Edit: Ifish is back up again after US West fixed a fiber cable they cut thru.

[This message has been edited by Reel Truth (edited 06-30-2000).]