Originally Posted By: Salmo g.
As a kid in the 60s I thought TV wrestling was way cool, . . . until I learned it was just a show and all fake. Super disappointment. Never understood why anyone cares about it since.

I will tell you why. Wrestling is scripted yes,so is Law and Order,and Thor. People love those shows. The draw with wrestling,when it is done right,is they tell a story. You suspend disbelief. I always knew it was far fetched that guys could get hit that hard and that many times and get up. But when I see a good promo,and a good build up,and guys who are talented and put it all out there,and give their bodies for my entertainment,and have badass characters,I have always loved it. I don't watch cartoon wrestling but I am following a new promotion called AEW and I have a tendency to watch old Ric Flair promos like this one...WHOOOOOOO

Edited by avidangler (06/22/19 09:12 AM)