Dino, thanks for being a man an admitting you made a mistake on the hound ban afew years ago..That was a huge mistake just as the trapping ban is now.. I think we'd be shocked if everybody on this board was honest an told us how they voted.. I'll bet the majority voted for it. Why do people even vote on something if they don't know $hit about the REEL impact it may have in the end?! You're right about the peta's ultimate goal. THey do not believe in anything I do as far as recreation is concerned. These people are a menace to the outdoors. THey contribute nothing to the upkeep of the resource yet they want to tell us how to manage it.. I think Idaho just passed an initiative that states something about wildlife issues will not be put on the ballot. I wish we could have had something like this 10yrs ago,but it probably wouldn't have passed then either. Washington's entire political process is decided in less than a half-dozen counties!! Sad but true!!