You could break down the county thing as far as you want, in King and Snohomish counties, the "urban" areas are going to rule over the non urban areas. Just as Vancouver is going to be making the decisions for Clark county. It is simply because majority rules in a democracy and most people in this country live in urban areas.
We should be voting against these types of intiatives because the sponsors have a well laid plan of attack, they are going to pick away, pick away untill they acheive their ultimate goal.
When discussing these with people I know who are pro, I allways assert the ultimate goal (attempting to be won one step at a time). These people are vegetarians, their goal is to make the world vegetarians. Hell, think fishing hurts? Been to a chicken farm lately? There is some quality of life. That'll be next, we can eat eggplant. Usually get good results with this type of banter. C