I am reading, Sowbelly - The Obsessive Quest for the World Record Largemouth Bass. It is interesting.

I was put on to this book by reading this 9 page article, seriously read it, it is a crazy story about Mike Long: https://sdfish.com/general/dark-secret-americas-big-bass-guru-mike-long/

The lengths fishermen go to to lie about catches is pretty amazing, when you get millions of dollars involved like in bass fishing, it gets even wilder. I don’t fish bass much but the high stakes tournament bass fishing scene makes for some entertaining stories.

It also reminds me about the sad truth when I am the only guy who doesn’t catch 5 steelhead a day, which happens more than ever when fish are rarer than ever.....it is all BS, many fishermen are the biggest liars and will out catch you every single time.