Originally Posted By: Jason Beezuz
I am reading, Sowbelly - The Obsessive Quest for the World Record Largemouth Bass. It is interesting.

I was put on to this book by reading this 9 page article, seriously read it, it is a crazy story about Mike Long: https://sdfish.com/general/dark-secret-americas-big-bass-guru-mike-long/

The lengths fishermen go to to lie about catches is pretty amazing, when you get millions of dollars involved like in bass fishing, it gets even wilder. I don’t fish bass much but the high stakes tournament bass fishing scene makes for some entertaining stories.

It also reminds me about the sad truth when I am the only guy who doesn’t catch 5 steelhead a day, which happens more than ever when fish are rarer than ever.....it is all BS, many fishermen are the biggest liars and will out catch you every single time.

That article is a great read! Read it a few weeks ago.
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