Originally Posted By: OceanSun
I have complete empathy for both people and businesses in this situation and believe helping both is in order. 15% -30% unemployment isn't good for anyone and businesses that go under can no longer employ people. However, the guidelines and structure should be in place that businesses do not profit from that help or even get to protect the profit they were otherwise projecting. Bailout should be a last-resort rescue in order to protect jobs not protect profit. Big business can take their lumps just like the rest of us.

If you divorce yourself from the emotion of it, this is a natural process of culling the weak. Happens in the natural world, happens with people, and should be allowed to happen with businesses as well. That can be balanced with the understanding that we the people asked business to shut down to help protect our lives. Helping them protect the life of their business in return makes sense. Saving their life is one thing and a good thing in most cases. Going overboard and protecting their profits as if this never happened is something else altogether and benefits the few and those that don't really need a "bailout". Big business and their shareholders can take their lumps just like the rest of society.

I rely on commissions to make the money I do and have had more than half my book of business shut down in the past 2 weeks putting a serious divot in my cashflow. I don't get to go running to the feds and ask them to make up the difference nor do I qualify for a coronacheck even though my income won't cover my expenses for the next few months. Instead I've pivoted and looked for opportunities with companies that may be looking to invest in technology during the downturn or existing clients that have new and different needs at this time. By using my head instead of holding out my hand for a handout I've been able to close new deals that now have more than made up for the projects put on hold.

Not every type of business can do that but they sure as hell should be trying to pivot and adapt before holding out their hands! I'd love to see big business have to pay all that money back directly to a fund that gets distributed back to taxpayers who are ultimately the ones footing the bill.

Yes to all of this. This is why I think they should jail the airline execs, confiscate all "their" money, and give it back to the airline companies so they can operate their business and pay their employees.

Those selfish bastards are the very worst thing that Capitalism has to offer, and the worse greedy Socialists on the planet.

Fish on...


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