Originally Posted By: blackmouth
Originally Posted By: Todd
I don't think I've ever seen someone who tries so hard to not look like a nut and an idiot, and fails so miserably at both.

Have you never looked in a mirror?

blackcockmouth, you don’t like Toff because of his politics, get over yourself. You come across as so self important I smell farts reading your posts.

Read that huge post of Evotard’s a little ways back loaded with speculation and assumptions to see why he comes across as such a moron. He talks about things and yet knows nothing. He doesn’t know anything about Toff and yet writes a page about Toff’s news/viewing habits. He thinks he knows based on his politics; that is caveman logic.

It seems like speculation and assumptions are fine with you when they are targeted at those you dislike and they jive with your politics. But when they dont’, they are coming from an “ignorant a$$hole”.

I work with some Trump supporters and they don’t seem as butt hurt as you do. Why is it so hard for you even when you are winning and winning and should be sick of winning?
Maybe he's born with it.

Maybe it's amphetamines.